Lauren Ashley Grygo grew up in New Jersey and recently moved to Asheville from sunny south Florida. A 300 RYT and Reiki II practitioner; Lauren is passionate about creating an atmosphere that is fun, spiritually charged, safe, challenging and honors the space of your unique yoga practice.
“I found yoga at a time that now I know was dire,” Lauren said. “It has saved my life a few times. I know that part of my life’s purpose, my dharma, is to show others not to fear themselves and their emotions, the world and others.”
This new monthly workshop series will take you on a deep dive into the energy channel’s of your body, each session exploring the nature and meaning of each of the seven Chakras, using the Japanese healing technique known as Reiki.
Lauren will begin with an Introduction session, explaining the Chakras and Reiki—their origins and their role in your energy body. The seven subsequent sessions will delve deeper into each individual Chakra.
In each workshop, participants will receive:
A reiki infused crystal/stone or essential oil
Tips and tricks to balance your Chakras ????
Yin-restorative yoga experience – 60min
Individual reiki session ????????
How does this monthly workshop series work?
- There will be one workshop a month
- The Introduction to the series is June 19, 2021.
- Individual workshops last 2-2 1/2 hours.
- Participate in individual workshop sessions or enjoy the whole workshop series
- Individual workshop $40
- Full workshop series for $256, a 20% discount. (bundle to save!)
“It is personally important to myself as a practitioner of yoga and reiki to understand how energy works and how it affects us,” Lauren said. “I genuinely believe that knowledge is power and confidence can be gained simply through understanding. The practices of reiki, yin yoga and restorative yoga have been fundamentally beneficial to myself in restoring mind body balance, achieving deep inner peace and general healing. I believe that we must above all things find a deep love of ourselves, in order to be able to share that deep love with the rest of the world, and that begins with healing and working on the self.”
6/19 – Intro to Series will start with a brief (45-60 min) discussion on the Chakras, their origins and how they “work” as well as what Reiki is, its origins and how it “works.” After discussion, space will be held for questions and comments. We will meditate on all seven Chakras to balance energy flow (10-15 minutes), practice Yin/Restorative yoga for 45-60 minutes. While students hold postures they will receive Reiki (social distancing can be maintained). Lauren will also be creating essential oil blends that will be OPTIONAL for students to have sprayed on their wrists as they practice. Participants are highly encouraged to bring blocks, straps, pillows, and/or bolsters.
7/17 – Root Chakra (Muladhara) – A discussion will explore what the root Chakra symbolizes and what role it plays with the other six Chakras. We will discuss best foods, movements, sounds, crystals, essential oils, things to avoid, possible ailments created by imbalances of energy and activities necessary to restore balance. Space will be held for questions, stories, comments etc. After discussion we will melt into a specialized yin/restorative practice catered to the Muladhara. While students hold postures, they will receive Reiki healing. Each student will receive one red tiger’s eye stone as a gift. An optional grounding blend of essential oils including patchouli, clove, cinnamon, and vetiver will leave participants level and balanced. Participants are highly encouraged to bring blocks, straps, pillows, and/or bolsters.
8/21 – Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana) – We will start with a discussion on what the Sacral Chakra is, what it symbolizes and what role it plays in conjunction with the rest of the energetic body. We will discuss best foods, movements, sounds, crystals, essential oils, things to avoid, possible ailments created by imbalances of energy and activities necessary to restore balance. Space will be held for questions, stories, comments etc. There will be a short specialized guided meditation focusing on the sacral Chakra. To conclude, melt into a specialized yin/restorative practice that will be catered to the Swadisthana. While students hold postures, they will receive reiki healing. Each student will receive one carnelian stone as a gift. And a sensual blend of sweet orange, clove and cinnamon will be used to inspire creativity, flow, and to aid in restoring balance to sacral and divine feminine energy. Participants are highly encouraged to bring blocks, straps, pillows, and/or bolsters.
9/18 – Solar Plexus (Manipura) – We will start with a brief discussion on what the solar plexus Chakra is, what it symbolizes, and what role it plays in conjunction with the rest of the energetic body. We discuss what symptoms of imbalanced energy may appear as, and what we can do to correct them. Space will be held for comments, questions, etc. Afterward, a short, sweet guided meditation focusing on the Manipura will segue into Yin/Restorative yoga where students will receive Reiki healing. Each student will receive one citrine crystal and optionally, a soothing blend of ylang ylang, lemongrass and lavender to ease fiery energy. Participants are highly encouraged to bring blocks, straps, pillows, and/or bolsters.
10/16 – Heart Chakra (Anahata) – We will begin with a discussion on the heart Chakra, what it is and what it symbolizes, and the role it plays in conjunction with the rest of the energetic body. We will discuss how symptoms of imbalanced energy may appear and what can be done to restore balance. Space will be held for comments, questions etc. Afterward, an intentional heart-focused mediation will lead into a Yin/Restorative practice, where students will receive Reiki healing. Each student will receive one jade stone. Sweet orange, lavender and neroli essential oils will be blended together to soften the heart space. Participants are highly encouraged to bring blocks, straps, pillows, and/or bolsters.
11/20 – Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) – Beginning with a brief discussion on what the throat Chakra is what it symbolizes, we will delve into the role it plays in conjunction with the rest of the energetic body. We will discuss how symptoms of imbalanced energy may appear and what can be done to restore balance. Space will be held for comments, questions etc. Afterward, an intentional Vishuddha-focused mediation leads into our Yin/Restorative practice where students will receive Reiki healing. Each student will receive one lapis lazuli stone. A blend of peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender will be available to open airways, and to freely express your truth. Participants are highly encouraged to bring blocks, straps, pillows, and/or bolsters.
12/18 – Third eye (Ajna) – Beginning with a brief discussion on what the third eye Chakra is what it symbolizes, we talk about the role it plays in conjunction with the rest of the energetic body and how symptoms of imbalanced energy may appear and what can be done to restore balance. Space will be held for comments, questions etc. Afterward, an intentional Ajna focused mediation leads into our Yin/Restorative practice where students will receive Reiki healing. Each student will receive one sodalite stone. An essential oil blend of clary sage and lavender will aid in creating clarity and balance. Participants are highly encouraged to bring blocks, straps, pillows, and/or bolsters.
1/15/22 – Crown (Sahasrara) – Beginning with a brief discussion on what the crown Chakra is what it symbolizes and the role it plays in conjunction with the rest of the energetic body, we delve into how symptoms of imbalanced energy may appear and what can be done to restore balance. Space will be held for comments, questions etc. Afterwards an intentional crown Chakra-focused meditation leads into our Yin/Restorative practice, where participants will receive Reiki healing. Each student will receive one clear quartz crystal. Neroli, frankincense and lavender essential oils blended together will bring you into alignment with your higher self. Participants are highly encouraged to bring blocks, straps, pillows, and/or bolsters.
“In order to change the world we must first begin with ourselves.” – Rachel Brathen (Yoga Girl)

Space is limited – now available in Mindbody!!!
(Please note: These workshops are non refundable, non transferable, have no cash value & late fee/no show fees apply)