Happy New Year! Find Yourself in Dedication Station! Tis’ the season for goals, intentions, and (in yoga) MANTRAS for the year. Here are some tips for setting goals for yourself that are meant to guide you rather than intimidate, frustrate or scare you. “I want to eat healthier” and never really did any of those things? We know we have! Here’s why: When you focus all of your energy and attention on what you want to achieve, you don’t focus any on HOW you will achieve it. The growth equation always needs a What and a How. For example: Some ways on HOW to start accomplishing this goal: Now, pick one or two of those How options and start playing with it. See what works for you! The options are ENDLESS and they are focused on what you can do today, tomorrow, this week. They put the power back in your hands and help you build confidence in your ability to care for yourself. Also, the goal becomes tangible, not just an idea you feel far away from or incapable of achieving. Behavior & Goals are connected on So. Many. Levels. Live your best life |