Our instructor Sean posed the following questions this morning in class while we were in a quick savasana between sweating buckets and working hard:
Has anyone checked the Thermostat lately? How about the Humidistat? How about the Clock? … and … How about Yourself???
He followed by reminding us that so often when we are challenged in a class, we begin to look outside of ourselves. We look for distractions. We look for anything that we can put our attention to, rather than going inward and focusing on ourself. What a great reminder!
Remember, one objective of yoga is to slow down and check in with yourself. This not only means working hard when you can, but it also means backing off when you need to. To the best of your ability seek to be present with your body and your self. When you find yourself fidgeting or looking at the clock, remember that the more you stay in the present moment with your practice, the more easily the time/heat/and even postures move to the background and become simply tools in your success.
Thank you Sean for the wonderful reminder!