If you have taken Hot 26 classes at HYA in the past seven years, you are probably familiar with Bles Vervain, who has maintained his steady practice since his first class with HYA founder Adi Westerman in March 2017. Since then, Bles has incorporated Inferno and HIIT and Yin into his practice and most recently, also Hot Power and Align Flow. No matter what class, Bles brings a big smile and an open heart.
“It was during HYA’s anniversary celebration weekend and they were offering a free class so I came to see what the hype was all about,” Bles said. “Adi asked me if I had ever done hot yoga or Bikram and I said nope. Her response was ‘You’ll be fine!’ ….. A fella in the locker room said you won’t want that tT-shirt in the room. Well, about five minutes into class, the fella in the locker room was 100 percent correct and I was questioning Adi’s wisdom.”
“However, I persevered, stayed in the room, and went to the front desk afterwards and immediately signed up for the 30-day special they offered at the time. At the completion of that month I was hooked on the 26 postures. I appreciated the consistency and the ability to watch myself progress. I really tapped into the “moving mediation” aspect of these 26 postures. I also found the spine series to be amazingly therapeutic to my body.
“About six or eight months into my practice I joined the work-trade crew, cleaning the studio one day a week for unlimited access to classes. This is where my practice really took off. I started coming to 26 nearly daily, as often as my busy work and family schedule allowed. I also did begin expanding into Yin classes, Inferno class once a week, and overall loved to move my body in the hot room and the studio vibe. “
Bles also found yoga had a big impact on his mountain biking skills, improving his mind-body connection and balance.
“Overall, yoga is now foundational to my life’s journey,” he said “I am a seeker who works to continuously better connect with myself and find authentic Self-Actualization. Yoga is integral to this process. I recognize the studio community and the amazing teachers I have connected with over the years to be facilitators, coaches, and partners on my journey towards Self-Actualization.”
HYA: Why is it important for you to have a diverse yoga practice?
Bles: I am committed to whole body and mind wellness. I want my body to function well as long as I am moving on this earth. I recognize a diverse yoga practice that supports my functional movement, improves my performance on my mountain bike or the free weights room, and integrates my meditation practice with all aspects of my day.
HYA: What styles do you incorporate into your practice & why?
Bles: All Flows, Inferno, all Hot 26 variations, and I have been to a Yin class or two
HYA: What is your advice to students considering diversifying their practice?
Bles: Be brave, be adventurous…. we are blessed with an amazing staff of instructors who lead all classes with an inclusive and radical welcoming energy. Take advantage of all the studio has to offer. It will deepen your connection to yourself and in turn your connection to the community.