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Meet Our August Student Ambassador: Jordan Butt

By July 30, 2023July 31st, 2023No Comments

Jordan Butt, HYA’s August student ambassador, was born and raised in Asheville and found her way to yoga 7 years ago, practicing first with our very own Heather Parks. She works in two restaurants, keeps up a strong fitness routine and teaches yoga at a local fitness center. At HYA, you will most likely see her in a Flow class, rocking a strong practice!

“I feel so fortunate to call these mountains home,” Jordan said. “My passion for cheerleading through school had a huge pull on why I’ve connected so deeply with exploring movement & yoga. I’ve been practicing for over 7 years, and aspire to continue to deepen my knowledge and share my love for it.

“I love to lift weights, run, flow at the studio, hike with my pups, and of course dance the night away whenever it fits my schedule. I have a huge lust for travel, from backpacking across South America, to traveling around the states in our ‘99 converted Suburban. Adventure, nature and movement is a must!”

HYA: When did you first start practicing yoga?

JB: My first time truly arriving on my mat was in the back of The LAB (Lexington Avenue Brewery )  with Heather in 2016 . 

Only a few students at a time, even some one on one practices with her really changed the trajectory of my life. I’m so grateful.

HYA: What is your favorite yoga style?

JB: My favorite style is vinyasa!

I love the creative process and every class brings such a different flow and energy.  The music-to-movement connection is huge for me.

The more fire the jams are, the deeper I tune into my body, breath and present moment . 

HYA: What would be your advice to a new student?

JB: It’s a practice and it’s YOUR practice. It took me a while to really understand what that means, knowing each practice will feel different each day. The hardest part is getting there. So, show up for yourself , stay in the heat , breathe,  and stay hydrated!

HYA: What makes you love HYA?

JB: I followed Heather from the back of a brewery and mill room yoga practices to HYA and watched her thrive and impact so many other people like she has me . The community and friendships I’ve made along the way with so many incredible teachers make HYA a favorite safe space to evolve, challenge myself, let go and turn inward in mind, body and spirit .