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Meet Our November Student Ambassador: Brynne Hanks

By October 30, 2023No Comments

Our Student Ambassador for November, Brynne Hanks, has become a fixture in our evening and weekend classes, either in Flow or Hot 26 or Expand 26! You will see her, shaking off her day at work and diving into whatever class she has chosen, always with a smile and a grateful heart.

“I’ve called Asheville home for almost 20 years,” Brynne said. “I live with my husband, teenage son and my dog, Gunther. I enjoy hiking, baking, making sourdough bread, watching movies, morning walks with my dog, as well as solo jogs while listening to podcasts. When I’m not working, I love being in the kitchen cooking with my husband and practicing hot yoga.”

HYA: When did you first start practicing?

Brynne: In January of this year, I was in a funk and a friend of mine invited me to join her for a yoga class on a Saturday morning. I was hesitant at first, because I was out of shape and I’d never done yoga before. I was definitely out of my comfort zone. I almost bailed on her, but the people-pleaser in me prevailed and I went. My first class was a packed Hot Power Flow with Lynn as my instructor. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but I didn’t give up and attempted every pose. I was so sore for 2 days after, but I felt amazing!! Lynn’s words of encouragement during the class and that cold lavender towel hooked me in. I gave HYA my credit card info, signed up for the Ultimate Membership, and never looked back. 

HYA: What is your favorite style of yoga?

Brynne: I enjoy the Expand 26 because you have the music and the quick ab workout, but you know what to expect. I like this because I can slow down and actually take the time to practice each pose and work on my technique. But, I also REALLY love a Hot Power Flow, and the 30 Min. Power Flow/30 Min. HIIT. It’s high energy, so much fun, and kicks my ass!

HYA: What would be your advice to a new student?

Brynne: Don’t give up and be kind to yourself. On days that I’m tired and I’m just not feeling it, I just tell myself to just get to class, because I can just lay there if I want to. There’s no judgement. Everyone there is on their own personal journey.

HYA: What makes you love HYA?

Brynne: I don’t even know where to start. Everything. I love everything about HYA. I guess what I love most are the instructors. I’ve learned so much about myself through their guidance. After every class I am always reminded that it’s ok to take care of myself. Put myself first. Love myself. It’s taken me so long to get to the place where I finally understand how important it is to practice self-care and self-love. Tania always tells us, “Thank yourself for showing up. For taking care of yourself” and that always hits me right in the feels. I’ve gotten to the point, where during the day, I crave getting into that hot room. That feeling after a yoga class, when you’ve overcome a mental or physical challenge that you didn’t even think was possible. When your body feels that perfect amount of soreness, where you can physically feel that you took care of yourself, and your mind is clear. It’s just the best feeling! Oh and again….the cold lavender towel at the end of class.