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Membership Terms & Cancellation Policies

We understand that things change, and have created the most flexible pricing options for your convenience with no contract period and 30 day cancellation policy. We understand unanticipated circumstances sometimes arise, and it is therefore necessary that we have consistent policies for all clients. Please review the terms of your plan prior to form submission. We look forward to following up with you soon.

Maintenance Plan

$59 Intro Period Rate/$69 Membership for 5 Classes per Month

Terms and Conditions:
  1. The auto draft membership charge is $59 Intro Period Rate/$69 per month and must be paid using a current debit or credit card stored on file.
  2. The membership includes attendance of up to five classes per month and may not be transferred or shared. Classes cannot be rolled over.
  3. In order to cancel monthly auto draft, your account must be in good standing and you must complete a 30-day submission online.  Click here for the membership cancellation form.  Prorated refunds will not be honored.
  4. Membership registration and cancellation cannot occur on the same day.
  5. If you signed up with a promotion, other terms may apply. Call studio with questions.
  6. You may freeze this plan one time for up to 3 months with 15 days notice for $20. This will keep your rate locked in. Click here for membership suspension form.
  7. If your account is on suspension or hold, you must complete your final month payment before cancellation.
  8. All sales are final, no refunds.

Recurring Maintenance Plan

$77 every 3 months or every 5 classes, whichever comes first

Terms and Conditions:
  1. This membership is a recurring 5 class pack. The membership will re-new for $77 every three months OR when the 5 classes are used up, whichever comes first.
  2. This membership entitles you to attend any regularly scheduled class at Hot Yoga Asheville. Special classes or workshops may be subject to an additional charge.
  3. You may share this plan with one person whom you specify. If needed you may change people once per year.
  4. Cancellation requires 30 Days Notice. Visit our pricing page for cancellation form.
  5. In order to cancel monthly auto draft, your account must be in good standing and you must complete a 30-day submission online.  Click here for the membership cancellation form.  Prorated refunds will not be honored.
  6. Membership registration and cancellation cannot occur on the same day.
  7. If you signed up with a promotion, other terms may apply. Call studio with questions.
  8. If your account is on suspension or hold, you must complete your final month payment before cancellation.
  9. Cancellation requires 30 Days Notice. Visit our pricing page for cancellation form.
  10. All sales are final, no refunds.

Ultimate Plan

$99 Intro Period Rate/$125 Membership

Terms and Conditions:
  1. The auto draft membership charge is $99 Intro Period Rate/$125 per month and must be paid using a current debit or credit card stored on file.
  2. The membership includes unlimited attendance of classes each month and may not be transferred or shared.
  3. In order to cancel monthly auto draft, your account must be in good standing and you must complete a 30-day submission online.  Click here for the membership cancellation form. Prorated refunds will not be honored.
  4. You may freeze this plan for free one time per year for up to 3 months with 15 days notice. Click here for membership suspension form.
  5. If your account is on suspension or hold, you must complete your final month payment before cancellation.
  6. Membership registration and cancellation cannot occur on the same day.
  7. If you signed up with a promotion, other terms may apply. Call studio with questions.
  8. Receive 10% off workshops and retail (excluding water, kombucha, coco water products)
  9. Receive 3 week long buddy passes upon sign up at the desk.
  10. All sales are final, no refunds.

Annual Membership

Terms and Conditions:
  1. The membership includes unlimited attendance of classes for a calendar year (365 days,) and may not be transferred or shared.
  2. All sales are final, no refunds.
  3. Receive 10% off workshops and retail (excluding water, kombucha, coco water products)
  4. Membership is not eligible for suspension under any circumstance.

10-Class Pack

Terms and Conditions:
  1. The 10 Class Pack may be shared with up to 3 other individuals for a one time fee of $20
  2. The Pass expires after one year (365 days) from date of purchase, and any unused classes will be forfeited.
  3. We will roll over unused classes one time with the purchase of a new class pack.
  4. All sales are final, no refunds.

Intro Special

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Offer valid to new clients that have not attended classes at HYA for at least 12 months.
  2. All sales are final, no refunds.
  3. Intro Special offer is not eligible for suspension under any circumstance.


If you are on a special promotion plan not listed above, please email us with questions
