A warm welcome to the newest member of HYA’s teaching staff! Amber VanBuhler will begin teaching flow and Yin classes in July.
Amber found yoga in 2012 and has been practicing ever since. Not only did her practice help her on a physical level, but she began to see the world differently and knew yoga was her way of life. With a dance and cheerleading background, Vinyasa-style classes were a natural fit.
As her practice began to deepen, Amber discovered the magical power of Yin yoga. Together, these classes create a beautiful balance in the body, mind, and heart; and are the main styles of yoga Amber currently teaches.
Since we are always students first in the world of yoga, Amber constantly practices remembering to allow the divine unfolding of the universe and knows that her purpose in this lifetime is to spread love through yoga.
Upon graduating from Asheville Yoga Center in 2022, Amber began to spread that love through her teaching. During her classes you will be encouraged to honor your body, to seek balance on all levels and to create space for remembering the gold that exists within us all.