Since joining the HYA community after moving to Asheville in 2020, Silvia Olvera’s steady and determined practice has been an inspiration to everyone who sees her set up her mat in evening classes at the studio. Underneath Silvia’s quiet demeanor is a powerhouse yogi, someone who turns her intense focus on everything she does, whether it’s a Flow or Hot 26 or setting up in the front row for Inferno!
“I started practicing yoga in 2005, focusing on Yin and restorative classes in New Orleans while working recovery efforts post-Hurricane Katrina,” Silvia said. “I expanded into Vinyasa at various studios from one city to another wherever I worked, but my practice was inconsistent.
“It wasn’t until moving to Asheville in 2020, where I started a new job in my chosen career as an acupuncturist that my practice grew. My life here has been blessed with wonderful communities, one of which has been HYA. I feel connected to many teachers, students and the studio itself, which keeps me returning as often as I can.”
HYA: Why is it important to you to have a diverse yoga practice?
Silvia: Each style of practice offers something unique, like a secret just for me. From 26 to core, and everything in between, I learn something about my body or myself. It might be a strength or something that needs more attention, but I like the information I receive in of the practices.
HYA: What styles to you incorporate into your practice & why?
Silvia: Due to scheduling, it has worked out that the classes I take most often are Flow – either Hot Power or Align. But I find ways to incorporate Hot 26, Core, Yin and an occasional Yoga Nidra.
HYA: What is your advice to students about diversifying their practice?
Silvia: We have so many wonderful teachers at HYA, and I feel fortunate to have taken classes with many of them. Learning from multiple teachers allows for diversifying our practice. Increasing strength and improving our practice in one style may be helped by other styles. I like taking Core and find myself feeling stronger in other classes as a result of Core.