If you have taken more than a few classes at HYA, chances are you have practiced near our newest student ambassador, Rahm Mandelkorn. He has been a regular at our studio for more than a decade, when we offered only Hot 26 classes! Now, you will find him practicing all the different styles, which he finds time for even as a busy new dad and realtor for Town & Mountain Realty.
HYA: When did you first start practicing?
RM: I’ve been going to HYA off-and-on for over 10 years! It’s a great studio with great teachers.
HYA: What is your favorite style of yoga?
RM: These days I like Hot Power Flow, but I’m a fan of mixing it up. I have a 1-year-old daughter so the one-hour classes work best with scheduling.
HYA: What advice would you give to a new student?
RM: Take it easy! Take an occasional break during class and lay down and skip a posture to catch your breath. Drink a bunch of water for several hours before class.
HYA: What makes you love HYA?
RM: It’s a game-changer for my mental health. It helps me stay centered, peaceful and focused. I absolutely love how I feel after getting out of class.
Read more about Rahm at the Town & Mountain Realty website.