A tradition as ancient and beautiful as yoga comes with a certain level of implied etiquette. Not loud and explicit rules, but soft and subtle ones. We want to take a moment to remind you of some simple etiquette that will help our entire community run more smoothly. With a mindset of learning and respecting etiquette, your yoga experience expands.
Be like Ganesha – The lord of success and remover of obstacles!
Be on time
We understand things happen, but do your best to be on time so class isn’t disrupted once it has started. Shoot us a call if you are going to be late!
Get Comfortable
Remove your shoes! We are a barefoot/slipper only zone. Please remove your shoes in the lobby to help keep our space clean.
Get unplugged
Refrain from bringing your cell phone into the room. Phones and Apple watches are distracting for you and others.
Clear is Kind
Tell your teacher if you are injured.
Need to leave early? Let us know before class so we don’t worry!
(Safety is our priority – we like to know that you are OK)
Be Mindful
Lower the volume of your conversations in the hot room before class & keep clutter to a minimum.
Please do not speak during class or Savasana.
Can’t stay for Savasana? Leave quietly
Scent Sensitivities
Minimize your use of perfumes/lotions before class.
Do not spray anything scented in the room (i.e. homemade mat spray).
Strong odors & scents can irritate – especially those with allergies. We diffuse Thieves essential oil for a short burst between classes and our cold hand towels have lavender essential oil.
Lavender Wash Cloths
If you do not want a towel for any reason, please keep your palms face DOWN.
If you do want a towel, please put your palms face UP to receive.
Keep it Clean
Return your rentals
Leave your space sweat and trash free!
If you use a tissue, please keep in on your mat and take it with ya.
Please bring an extra towel to clean your puddle after class if needed.
Power Shower
We know how amazing a shower feels after class – but please limit your shower to 2 minutes.
Move Mindfully and Quietly
Avoid letting the door slam behind you.
Put your mat down, and pick it up, quietly. Someone may be resting nearby.
Enter and leave the room quietly.