Yoga Perfect?
10 Yoga Guidelines to Improve your Yoga Class
We’ve all had those days when everything and everyone just pushes our buttons. And when it comes to our yoga experience, we’ve all had those classes we wish everything and everyone would just be perfect. ???? In that absolutely perfect yoga scenario, you probably have:
1. a ideal amount of space from your neighbor,
2. a perfectly sticky yoga mat to help you grip in down dog or triangle,
3. you get to be in the 3rd or 4th row with no obstruction of view,
4. the music has been magically catered to your every desire ????
5. the teacher uses the perfect combination or serenity and power in their voice so you can quietly move and meditate throughout your yoga session with ease, and
6. every pose is perfectly executed by your incredibly graceful pain free body. ????
Well, let me stop you right there. ???? Actually I should’ve stopped you at the start. There is absolutely NO “perfect yoga scenario”! I repeat there is no such thing as a “perfect” yoga class.
Ask any long time practitioner and they will tell you the same thing. The external world cannot improve OR be detrimental to your internal practice. In other words, there is NOTHING that can steal your peace in yoga class.
Simple, right?????♀️ Don’t let anyone steal your peace. So easy… but…
Ask that same long time practitioner and they will also tell you that there is a yoga etiquette that can streamline the process and make the internal space feel more at ease.
While we can’t control all the people and all of the things all of the time.. we can do our best to be mindful as we move through our world using compassion and awareness.
So here’s a list of simple guidelines that can help facilitate for you and others a more calm experience at Hot Yoga Asheville.
1. Be on Time and Sign In. Please always be on time and sign in for class. This can help free up the desk staff and teachers to do more pressing things, like greet new people, answer your questions, mop up and air out the room between classes. If we are held back looking around and trying to account for the missing sign ups we cannot serve the community as effectively. And you guys are our number one priority!
2. Use cubbies. “Benches are for butts not bags.” If we can free up the benches in the changing rooms for sitting, this allows students who need extra rest after class to get the moment they need while getting ready. Use cubbies for your belongings and take shoes off before entering changing areas and yoga rooms.
3. Mats and Towels. We require yoga mats and towels for all practitioners. This allows for safety and cleanliness of our communal space. Much like most indoor activities proper equipment can facilitate a better experience. Go rock climbing you need proper shoes and harness. Bowling? You’ll need those cool kicks and socks. Swimming.. you gotta wear a swim suit. 🙂 For Yoga ????♀️: Mat ✔️ Towel ✔️ Water ✔️ Yoga clothes ✔️
4. Plastic/metal only. Please refrain from using glass bottles. There have been too many accidents over the years with broken stepped on bottles that we must enforce this more regularly. What’s worse is that most of the time it’s the person who brought the glass that’s the one who gets injured. Ack. Save those toes!
5. When setting up in the yoga room…
- Mountain Room: three rows for classes under 30 students. When more than this 4 rows is magic.
- Bamboo Room: 2 rows for small classes, 3 rows for 20+ students. Help folks get in a spot with mirror if they’d like.
- Do the shuffle… Help each other out!
6. Silence is golden. Right? Well… not always. We love community. We love meeting up with friends. And what better place than yoga? So before class we are ok with some quiet chatting… but please respect some quiet after class during savasana. Some folks like to mellow out and unwind after a session.
7. Wipe up your puddles. If any liquid other than sweat is leaving your body… please attend to that during class. But all the lovely purging of sweat you’ve left behind afterward… please bring an extra towel to wipe it up after class too.
8. Hydrate. Drink water before class for more endurance. Add electrolytes to water for effective hydration. Fill up with Kangen Water in our lobby. Avoid eating 2-3 hours before class to maximize blood flow.
9. Say hello to new folks. We all remember our first yoga class though I’m sure many of us would like to forget it. Even after 18 years of practice, I totally get the jitters when walking into a new yoga studio for the first time. Help us show the newbies how awesome our community is! Say hello and help them feel at ease!
10. ENJOY! Let go and trust. Remember this is a community practice and a very safe place for you to elevate yourself to your highest state. Let’s work together and support each other in remaining positive and uplifted!
Much Love and Gratitude Yogis! See you in the room!
For more yoga tips click here.
Adi ✌️????