Welcome our newest Flow teacher: Amanda Blair!
“As a native to rural WNC my roots run generations deep in these mountains. My childhood consisted of Saturday Lunches, many gatherings with my close knit extended family, and many opportunities to run wild exploring the forests around our home.
This experience instilled in me a profound appreciation for community and the great outdoors. Today I frequently make time for running, biking, camping and simply just lounging outside as much as possible.
Having been raised with my large extended family has given me a deep understanding of the importance of being in community. My tribe at HYA has become a community for me and I am so excited to be more involved.
I have practiced yoga for the past several years. Initially my interest was purely physical, yoga seemed to be a nice way to balance out some of the high impact sports.
However, it was just a matter of time before something started to shift and I felt the desire to dive more deeply into my practice. Then with some encouragement from my friends at HYA, I found myself registered for the 200 hour teacher training last year. Through the teacher training I was able to realize a connection between the practice I love and my life purpose of always being in service to others.
I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to hold space for others in this way and look forward to an ever deepening practice and connection with this community.”
See you in the Hot Room!