If you have taken an early morning class at HYA, you have certainly practiced with our September student ambassador. You will find Fanaye Richardson, always smiling, in the 6:30 am classes, almost every day. She relies on her practice to support her physical and mental health, and when she doesn’t start her day with it, she can tell the difference. “It’s so funny, “Even my co-workers can tell when I didn’t do yoga,” she said, laughing. “They’re like what’s wrong, why are you in a bad mood? You didn’t do yoga? I’ll say no, I didn’t do yoga today. It’s funny.”
Since she started practicing regularly at HYA in 2019, Fanaye takes her positive yoga vibes to work at Mission Hospital. “It helps me so much in the morning. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and when I get up in the morning, I’m very stiff,” she said. “And I started coming here and I feel so much better. I think it helps me to deal with the stress. It helps me mentally, emotionally and physically. That’s why I get up every morning and come to hot yoga. I take my shower and I go right to work. It makes it so much better. We are working in a very stressful environment. We have a lot of trauma, a lot of sick people, and it makes me more calm and I can take charge.”
Fanaye, originally from Ethiopia, moved to Asheville in 1984 when she was 17 years old and has been here ever since. She met her husband in college and this month they will celebrate their 38th anniversary. They have two daughters.
Learn more about Fanaye and her yoga journey:
HYA: How did you begin practicing yoga?
Fanaye: I used to go to another hot yoga studio and it closed in 2019. The only other place that had an early morning class was here.
I was a runner before. I ran every day. I would do longer runs on the weekend. And my knee just shut down. And I just can’t do it that much. I said, the best thing I can do is yoga. And I got hooked with the hot yoga and I will not stop going. You can kick me out of here and I will keep coming back. I love it.
HYA: What do you love about the studio?
Fanaye: I love the environment, the people, the teachers. They are very helpful. They make me feel like I’m home. I could stay here all day. That’s why I take two classes back-to-back sometimes. I love it here. The people are so welcoming.
I recommend it for anyone. What I love about it is everyone is smiling, everyone welcomes you. Everywhere else I go, it seems like I’m the only one smiling. You look around and I’m the only one. You always make me comfortable to be here.
HYA: What are your favorite classes?
Fanaye: I love 26 Plus! I wish we could have it in the morning. I like Power Flow. I do like everything. I’m so glad they start classes at 6:30. The people in those classes, it’s like a club. We all get along so well. If we don’t see somebody, we’re like, what’s going on? We text each other. We are a little clique group.
Everywhere I go, it’s nothing like here. Even when I go on vacation and I will go to yoga. But you spoil us. I go somewhere else and say, what is this? Is this yoga? You just are so wonderful. The free classes. The opportunity to know everyone. The best thing I did was to get to know Adi (Westerman). I went to the retreat in Costa Rica the first year she had it and I got to spend time with her. She is a great person. It was wonderful. We went for a hike and she stayed with me the whole time. We talked so much.
HYA: What other activities do you do?
Fanaye: I like to hike. I got back to running, a few 4 or 5 mile runs on the weekend. That’s my passion. I love tennis. My knee is better. Yoga helps all my arthritis. I don’t have to take any medication anymore. One thing I learned is that what you eat triggers it and also that you have to move. You have to exercise or else you will ache all the time. In the hot room, your joints can move so much better. When I do it first thing in the morning, everything is better.